Redlands School
Leading private school reduces costs while improving both ESG and carbon reporting.
Client Overview
Redlands School is one of Australia’s leading Private schools with 3 campuses across Sydney. The School has over 1,600 Students and 400 Permanent Faculty.
Redlands has set very ambitious Sustainability Goals including Net Zero and have made progress on various ESG Metrics.
Client's ESG challenges
Redlands has been using local Consultants in Australia for a couple of years and have worked on identifying their material topics and set various ESG goals that go beyond Emissions such as Energy Efficiency, Water Conservation, Waste Recycling and much more and have also produced their Greenhouse Gas Report for 2 consecutive years.
Redlands also have a dedicated Sustainability committee and in-house resource and wanted to use a platform to track all their ESG Metrics on real time and reduce costs and dependency on external consultants. As a School, Social and Governance performance is even more important than Environment and they were seeking support in these areas too.
The Sustainext solution
Sustainext proposed it’s ESG Platform that could not only assist with Environmental Metrics around Emissions, Waste, Water, Air Quality, Biodiversity but also Social and Governance Metrics that are aligned with GRI.
As Redlands has been reporting for a couple of years, data is already available and they can now conduct scenario analysis and net zero simulations, science-based targets all through the Platform and utilize consultants to optimize their Decarbonization strategies.
The outcome
Redlands has reduced its costs and dependency on local Consultants significantly and can provide ESG data in various formats to stakeholders in real time.
As the Department of Education has set Carbon Neutral Goals for Schools by 2030, Redlands is well positioned to be a dominant leader in this space.