Our Alberta Tree Planting Project aims to increase carbon capture by restoring tree cover to formerly farmed agricultural lands in north-western Alberta, retuning it to a natural Boreal Mixedwood forests and maintaining it in perpetuity as conservation lands.
To date, the has projected planted approximately 60,000 native species trees on 158 acres of privately owned land in the northern Alberta county of Northern Lights, near the town of Manning.
The project's carbon offsets are ex-ante credits with 100-year permanence protection and the intention to be maintained in perpetuity. The project voluntarily follows the CARB protocol as adopted by the California Environmental Protection Agency (CEPA) and meets the ISO 14064-2 projects standards for carbon reducing projects. It is third-party validated in accordance with ISO 14064-3 guidelines and follows the six principles of Carbon offset projects, including additionality as confirmed using the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) methodological tool. The tonnes are serialized and tracked by Carbon Farmer.